Sustainable Apricot Kernel Ice Cream

Packaging Design
3D Product Visualising
A significant amount of waste by-products are produced by the fruit processing industry, including from the production of juice and jam.
Stone fruits, such as apricots, cherries, and plums, produce a lot of waste that has few other uses, due to their stones. These seeds, also known as kernels, contain amygdalin, which is dangerous when digested as the body converts it into cyanide. Over 500,000 metric tons of stone fruit pits are land-filled each year in Europe alone.
My Response
So, what is Kernel’s?
At Kernel’s we aim to tackle the waste from the fruit processing industry. Utilising apricot kernel’s, a waste by-product of the jam and juicing process, we use our specialised processes to make our apricot kernel milk alternative that we then turn into delicious ice cream!
We’re a brand taking a bird’s eye view on the fruit processing industry, and rehoming the ugly ducklings (our apricot kernels), and giving them a new purpose.
From our apricot kernels to you, truly sustainable ice cream that will make you say “Ooo!”

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