Medical Mayhem
First Aid Card Game

Packaging Design
‘Every year in the UK, thousands of people die or are seriously injured in incidents. Many deaths could be prevented if first aid was given before emergency services arrive.’ (NHS, 2022)
Most adults would not be able to save a life in a first aid emergency.
Only 5% of adults in the UK would feel confident, knowledgeable and willing to help someone who is bleeding heavily, is unresponsive and breathing, or is unresponsive and not breathing.
That means that only 1 in 20 people would know what to do in a first aid emergency. (BritishRedCross, n.d.)
My Response
Medical Mayhem is a card game that utilises gamification to make learning about first aid fun and enjoyable for teenagers.
It aims to be an effective educational tool for teaching teenagers life-saving first aid knowledge. 
The project is supported by British Red Cross, who provided their first aid knowledge, and Medical Mayhem introduces the target audience to the British Red Cross's First Aid App, as a learning resource to gain more first aid knowledge in order to win the game!

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