Anti-Deforestation In Madagascar Campaign
A Campaign Against Deforestation in the Alaotra-Mangoro Region of Madagascar

Layout Design
Visualisations/Mock Ups

University Brief:
Identify a challenge in one particular country and come up with a series of three sequential images that will be rolled out in a particular country and community– as posters – that address, inform, raise awareness and/or practice advocacy on this challenge. Students need to relate this challenge to at least one of the UN’s 17 SDGs. 

My Response:
Climate challenges are increasing pressure on the population, most who are in poverty, making them turn to deforestation + poaching. Seeds of trees endemic to the area are being planted and guides patrol the land and explain the importance of these trees, but the locals are still cutting them down - for firewood or selling as charcoal.
Target Audience - Local people/farmers (those causing the deforestation)
Client/Sponsor - Compagnie du Miel, a social business who train local famers to bee-keep as a livelihood in Madagascar
Campaign Strategy - To use shocking + provoking imagery of decapitated lemurs (chosen as they are one of Madagascar's most beloved animals) to illustrate how severe the consequences of deforestation are to the endemic wildlife + convince the people to bee-keep as a livelihood instead. 
Softwares - Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign
Contextualising Images
Campaign Summary Pages Video

This is a video showcasing all of the pages I made for the campaign summary - detailing the strategy and information for the campaign that the posters are key part of. It was placed onto a black background for this video to allow the pages to be clearly seen.

Examples of Page Spreads in Contextualising Images
Design Process
Thumbnail Ideas
Sets of Developed Thumbnails
Digital Development of Final Designs
Indri, Diademed Sifaka & Black + White Ruffed Lemur Poster Development

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